quarta-feira, abril 18, 2007

My liver hates me! – part IV

Before I forget: our good old friend from Brazil updated me on the news yesterday. Result: one more interesting and (now) available guy around the world (literally, that man is flying everywhere… and might stop here in May… if not, in July for sure).

Going back to business: dinner with B., D., and you was just perfect! The environment, the food, the wines (again… I loved them all: the Grandama, the Nicolò and the Gravigliano, which goes amazingly well with desserts), the weather, the conversations… and Gianni. I could sooooo take him home! And so could you. And I think he wouldn’t bother… at all.

B. and D. have the relationship I would like to have if I ever settle down and get married. There are no words that can describe somehow the passion between those two for the last 17 years. Also, they are just one of the most fun and funny couples I have ever met.

B. is a kind of an older sister to me. When I moved to Milan, I invited them for dinner sometime in the following week. When they arrived, I could hardly see them, as one was carrying a TV and the other one a microwave! They said they had spare ones, so I could keep them until I would leave. And so it was. I mean, not a lot of people have this kind of attention, and I really appreciated it.

Sunday was a quiet day… not all day, though. Eating gelato was all I wanted and basically I had all the flavours of the month!

The walk in the park was good, especially feeling the grass in the feet and the sun in the face. Even if half Milan decided to do the same thing, we still got plenty of room for us.

Thank you for coming with me to the airport and watching me while I was trying to pass the X-rays machine. I tried to carry my bag with me and the check-in went OK, as you kept some stuff with you (the important stuff, in fact). But what happened next was expected… anyway, I had to try. The guy from security comes next to me and asks “Lei è consapevole della esistenza della normativa europea per quanto riguarda il trasporto dei liquidi?”. When I said “Sì”, he goes: “Lei sa che ci sono quattro bottiglie nella sua valigia?”, to which I corrected “Infatti sono cinque!”. And so I had to go back to the check-in and send it away, praying that no disaster would happen.

On Monday, I finally understood when you said “My liver hates me!”.

My sweet M., here I finish the memories of the weekend in Milan. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I had writing it. Thank you so much for everything and… just book the f***ing flight to Lisbon, coz I miss you!

Lots of love,


5 comentários:

Ana disse...

Olá! Vim dar uma espreitadela no teu blog e tentar conhecer um pouco este teu cantinho, já que vamos ser companheiras de viagem até Mira!

Bjs e até sexta!


AEnima disse...

Bem, se o teu amigo sempre aparecer em julho... tem e' tua amiga quem e'? Ai que brasileiros ainda sao a iguaria exotica de culinaria estrangeira favorita!

Actriz Principal disse...

ana - olá! Vou tentar fazer o mesmo no teu canto.

Beijinhos e até amanhã!

aenima - se são ou não, não sei... pelo menos agora... a sério, é um bom amigo... OK, até poderia ter dado uma palete de cores se não fosse a minha situação na altura. Mas o objectivo é mesmo pôr a conversa em dia.
Quando voltas?
Como anda a tese? Espero que sobre rodas de um F1!
Beijos grandes!

Mae Frenética disse...

estas fotos abrem-me o apetite... hummm!

Actriz Principal disse...

mãe frenética - pois este foi o meu jantar de Sábado! Achei por bem tirar fotos com o telemóvel... para recordar. Jantei numa vineria que fica a 30 mts do apartamento onde vivia, cuja comida é excelente e o vinho ainda melhor!
